sabbay サバーイ

Live extraordinary but ordinary days

フランス人フランス人との結婚手続き5:突然ビザ申請へ Marriage with French








今回、彼との認識すり合わせに時間がかかったのは、ビザの申請方法。①本国で申請する②日本で申請する、の2種類があります。①の場合は日本で配偶者がCertificate of Eligibility(COE) を取得して送付し、本国にある日本大使館でビザを申請します。②の場合は、このCOEとビザ申請が一体化しており、結果はビザ許可/不許可となって知らされます。フランス語のブログを見ている彼は、COE取得に2ヶ月+ビザ申請に2ヶ月と誤解しており、そうではないことを説明して納得してもらうのにひと苦労でした。




We went to Tokyo Immigration Bureau to check the documents before finishing the marriage registration in France. Since we inquiried at information desk, we sent to the information of Permanent residence Inspection Department. Queuing for 15 minutes, our turn came. 


In this process, I have tried to use English as much as possible to be in the same page to him. So I asked to the office to explain in English, but, surprisingly, she couldn't. Okay... Then I explained our status (waiting registration in France) IN JAPANESE. She gave me a peace of paper to write the reason and advised to submit today with it because now the visa procedure takes 2-3 months to complete. Really? No website explain to submit before finishing the marriage registration! Why do we have to waste one month? 


According to her advise, we queued in the loooong application line and submitted the documents. Then he got the visa pending status. We have learnt it is important to check by ourselves one by one.